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Current FAF Rates

The fluctuation of fuel prices impacts our monthly operating costs.

Due to these fluctuations, Booth’s Logistics calculates a monthly Fuel Adjustment Factor (FAF) rate. Our FAF percentage will be updated and published on this page each month, and is effective on the 1st of the month.

Please note the FAF rate is subject to individual agreements, seasonal adjustments, customer-specific agreements and cash sale terms.

For specific details regarding your FAF rate, please contact our sales support team.

April 2025          12.62%

March 2025                       14.10%
February 2025                 15.61%
January 2025                    13.60%
December 2024               12.87%
November 2024             11.71%
October 2024                   12.20%

Booth's Logistics
How do we calculate our monthly FAF rate?

Every month we monitor the national average diesel price which can be found here. On this page is a download of a weekly table which includes a column for ‘Diesel_discounted_retail price_NZ.c.p.l’.

To calculate our FAF rate for the coming month, we simply take the last 4 weeks average of the above column (as at the last Tuesday of each month). This average is then benchmarked against a value of $1.22 and for every $0.01 over this threshold a FAF rate of 0.2% is calculated.

This FAF rate remains in place for the coming month until the last Tuesday when the rate for the following month is calculated again.

We also take into consideration the current Ad-Blue price and burn. This is a diesel exhaust fluid. that reduces vehicle exhaust emissions and installed on all our modern fleet.

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2 – 12 Makomako Road
Palmerston North 4414


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